鍾嘉欣胡杏兒靚媽聚會 小朋友鬥萌最搶鏡 (18:02)



鍾嘉欣開心留言:「3 and a little more than half years have gone by since I left HK to move to Vancouver. Now I have 2 children. She has 1 + 1 expecting. I must say: Myolie is someone I am super proud of. She is one hardworking, loving, strong woman I look up to. Wish you all the best in your 2nd delivery. I know another amazing soul will enter the world soon. I can't wait to meet your baby #2.」大致意思是嘉欣現在已有2個孩子,杏兒正期待1+1的來臨,嘉欣祝杏兒一切順利,急不及待地想見到杏兒的寶寶。


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