甄子丹一家被歧視 汪詩詩發文:中國人不是東亞病夫   (18:41)



甄子丹太太汪詩詩零晨時份在社交網上載背面照片,並hashtag「中國人不是東亞病夫」來發文,明顯她受到的待遇令人相當難受。汪詩詩留言:「One of my favorite films this year is the Green Book. So much to learn from human kindness, respect, arrogance, racial discrimination and dignity. Never would I imagine to experience certain aspects of this film, in this day and age, especially in our own hometown.

Tonight we experienced discrimination by an organization from overseas. Prioritized and supported a charity but in return was shocked by Mr Boose and his team’s treatment.#中國人不是東亞病夫」大致內容是借講述種族歧視的電影《Green Book》(《綠簿旅友》)來作比喻,她稱從未想過要體驗這部電影的某些方面,特別是在我們自己的家鄉。這晚他們遭受海外組織的歧視,對方的待遇令他們大感震驚。
